1924 - 2024
A renewed
commitment to
children's rights
Advocate for Children’s Rights
2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child
A Century of Children’s Rights is worth a celebration! Since the 1924 Geneva Declaration, substantial progress has been made with regard to the well-being and protection of children, notably in the health and education sectors. Yet, it’s profoundly troubling that in 2024, these advances are eclipsed by the violence affecting children — a child dies every five minutes according to United Nations statistics, — and by emerging challenges such as digitization and the climate crisis.
It is high time to update the “Geneva Declaration” and mobilize collective consciousness around a renewed commitment to children’s rights: the 2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child.
2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child
Already Committed

Volker Türk
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

By celebrating and ‘updating’ the Geneva Declaration, we pay tribute to the early child rights champions, and we recommit to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of all children en... +
Ann Skelton
Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
South Africa
By celebrating and ‘updating’ the Geneva Declaration, we pay tribute to the early child rights champions, and we recommit to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of all children enshrined in the UNCRC and its Optional Protocols. We remind ourselves there is still an enormous amount of work to be done.

Il y a cent ans, Eglantyne Jebb a déclenché un mouvement universel : celui des droits de l’enfant ! Sa Déclaration, officialisée par la Société des Nations, symbolise la révolution du statut ... +
Jean Zermatten
Ancien président, Comité des droits de l'enfant de l'ONU
Il y a cent ans, Eglantyne Jebb a déclenché un mouvement universel : celui des droits de l’enfant ! Sa Déclaration, officialisée par la Société des Nations, symbolise la révolution du statut de l’enfant, devenu personne, qui ne doit pas seulement être protégé et éduqué, mais qui détient ses propres droits ! Saura-t-on assez la remercier ?

The end... +
Aneeta Ghoorah
Ombudsperson for Children
The endorsement of this Renewed Declaration is a must. Over the last 100 years, some progress—but only some—has been made with regard to the protection and safeguard of the several rights of children. The second reason responds directly to an evolved context where new challenges have emerged, especially with the rapid progress in technology. It thus behooves us all to commit ourselves to fulfilling our universal obligations that are so succinctly captured in the 2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child.

As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Geneva Declaration, we must all ask ourselves if we have done our utmost to give every Child the best we have to give. Adoption of the Declaration was... +
Yanghee Lee
Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
South Korea
As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Geneva Declaration, we must all ask ourselves if we have done our utmost to give every Child the best we have to give. Adoption of the Declaration was a watershed moment for all children: Recognition of the human rights of every child. And that the society had an obligation to protect, promote, and provide ample circumstances and opportunities for every child to realize their inherent basic human rights here and now. We must all recommit our pledge to fulfill what we had promised 100 years ago to every child in the present and for future generations.

The Geneva Declaration continues to be an inspiration for our moral obligation that we owe to children over generations. Enormous challenges to children in today’s world urge us to work harde... +
Mikiko Otani
Member & Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child; President, Child Rights Connect
The Geneva Declaration continues to be an inspiration for our moral obligation that we owe to children over generations. Enormous challenges to children in today’s world urge us to work harder for realizing their rights. The centenary of the Geneva Declaration is the moment to renew our commitment as global citizens in solidarity with all including children.

A l’heure où les crises se succèdent, comme les impacts de la pandémie, l’augmentation des inégalités, les dérèglements climatiques, les guerres, il est plus que jamais nécessai... +
Christina Kitsos
Maire de la Ville de Genève
A l’heure où les crises se succèdent, comme les impacts de la pandémie, l’augmentation des inégalités, les dérèglements climatiques, les guerres, il est plus que jamais nécessaire de considérer les enfants comme de véritables actrices et acteurs engagé.e.s, d’écouter leurs propositions et leurs révoltes pour avancer en faveur de la justice et de la paix, pour un monde ouvert et solidaire.

One Hundred Years of Working for Children’s Rights. As we commemorate the first 100 years since the Geneva Declaration, it is good to remember we are part of a long chain of advocates; our wo... +
Amihan V. Abueva
Regional Executive Director, Child Rights Coalition Asia
One Hundred Years of Working for Children’s Rights. As we commemorate the first 100 years since the Geneva Declaration, it is good to remember we are part of a long chain of advocates; our work to defend children’s rights is never completely done but every effort counts, there will be new leaders who will continue to work with children to face new challenges worldwide.

The Declaration of Geneva has provided the foundation for international children’s rights. In today’s world where children face some many challenges and crises, we need to remind oursel... +
Ton Liefaard
Professor, UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights, Leiden University
The Declaration of Geneva has provided the foundation for international children’s rights. In today’s world where children face some many challenges and crises, we need to remind ourselves of the very core of that foundation: Mankind owes to children the best it has to give and all children of today and of future generations are entitled to that.
« Je crois que nous devrions revendiquer certains droits pour les enfants et œuvrer pour leur reconnaissance universelle »
2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child
Stand up for Children's Rights!
Every signature counts, yours more than any other.
If you do not sign the Declaration, it is as if you have chosen not to make your voice heard.

Explore the list
of signatories
Ton Liefaard - Professor, UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights, Leiden University
Amihan V. Abueva - Regional Executive Director, Child Rights Coalition Asia
Renate Winter - Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Yanghee Lee - Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Anwarul K. Chowdhury - Ambassador, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and two times chair of the UNICEF Executive Board
Ann Skelton - Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Mikiko Otani - Member & Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child; President, Child Rights Connect
Prominent endorsers
Chris Quinn - Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
Faith Nimineh - Senior Advisor, Humanitarian Affairs, ChildFund Alliance
Laura Korhonen - Professor, Head of Barnafrid, the Swedish National Centre for Knowledge on Violence Against Children at Linköping University, Barnafrid, the Swedish National Centre for Knowledge on Violence Against Children at Linköping University
Naim Qelaj - Ombudsperson, Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo
Karin Morrison - Experienced Educator, Leader of Janusz Korczak Australia Janusz Korczak Association Australia
Ursula Kilkelly - Professor
Jaejun Park - Policy advisor to the Minister of Health and welfare of the Republic of Korea, Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea
Loyola Centre for Media and Communications(LCMC)
Africa Unite
International Movement ATD Fourth World
Observatoire des droits humains aux Nations Unies
Enfants du Monde
Department of Human Rights and Politics, Institute of Political and International Studies, ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences
Fondation Lapurla
Salvatorian Pastoral Care for Children Inc. (SPCC)
Dazunehmen eV
All signatories
Juan Carlos Morales González - Executive Director, FIAN Colombia
Miambaye Milamem - Secretary
Claudia Virginia Giner - Directora General, Centro de Comunicación Popular y Asesoramiento Legal
Anny Nathaly Roa Pabon - Educadora popular y profesional de incidencia, Plataforma colombiana por el protagonismo de niñas, niños y jóvenes/ fundación Cecucol
Hans Kumar Sharma - Professor of Law, ICFAI University, Jaipur, India
Foday Bangura - Climate Solutions Intergenerational Justice Consultant, World Council of Churches
Anny Nathaly Roa Pabón - Educadora popular y profesional de apoyo en incidencia, Fundación CECUCOL-centro cultural comunitario las colinas
Aldis, 15 years, Iceland
Alex, 17 years, Armenia
Alla, 17 years, Armenia
Alvin, 11 years, Kenya
Anna, 17 years, Armenia
Annette, 13 years, Kenya
Arina, 17 years, Armenia
Arpi, 17 years, Armenia
Bakhita, 12 years, Kenya
Ben Berisha, 7 years, Kosovo
Benjamin, 12 years, Kenya
Bifon, 12 years, Kenya
Blessing, 12 years, Kenya
Bobana, 17 years, Montenegro
Brilliant, 12 years, Kenya
Bruno, 15 years, Switzerland
Cecilia, 14 years, Switzerland
Celestine, 13 years, Kenya
Charline, 16 years, Switzerland
Cicilia, 15 years, Kenya
Clarice, 12 years, Kenya

From a Visionary’s Inspiration to Global Action
Celebrating 100 Years of the Children's Rights Declaration
The spirit of Geneva, imbued with values of humanism and social justice, continues to inspire today, urging us all to celebrate a century of children’s rights.
« Il n’y a clairement aucune impossibilité intrinsèque à sauver les enfants du monde. Ce n’est impossible que si nous le décidons, par notre refus de le tenter. »
2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child
Stand up for Children's Rights!
Every signature counts, yours more than any other.
If you do not sign the Declaration, it is as if you have chosen not to make your voice heard.