1924 - 2024
Un engagement
pour les droits
des enfants
Soutenez les droits des enfants
Déclaration des droits des enfants Genève 2024
100 ans des droits de l’enfant, ça se fête ! Depuis la Déclaration de Genève de 1924, il y a eu de grandes avancées en faveur du bien-être et de la protection des enfants. On pourrait citer, par exemple les progrès en matière de santé et d’éducation. Mais force est de constater qu’en 2024 ces avancées sont assombries autant par la violence qui touchent les enfants (un enfant est tué toutes les 5 minutes selon les chiffres officiels des Nations Unies) que par des défis émergents telle la digitalisation ou encore la crise climatique.
Il était grand temps de mettre à jour la “Déclaration de Genève” et mobiliser la conscience collective autour d’un nouvel appel en faveur des droits de l’enfant : la Déclaration de Genève de 2024.
Déclaration des droits des enfants Genève 2024
se sont déjà engagé•e•s

Today, by celebrating the 2024 Geneva Declaration, we reaffirm our commitment to uphold the rights of all children. Protecting children’s rights to safety, education, and dignity is not just ... +
Virginia Gamba
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict
Today, by celebrating the 2024 Geneva Declaration, we reaffirm our commitment to uphold the rights of all children. Protecting children’s rights to safety, education, and dignity is not just a moral duty but an imperative. This is crucial for their future and for building lasting peace.

It is very important at this moment in time to recommit to the re... +
Christina Nomdo
Western Cape Commissioner for Children
South Africa
It is very important at this moment in time to recommit to the realisation of child rights. Not only because we commemorate the global commitment made 100 years ago, but because child rights realisation is still an ideal for many children across the world. Times have changed, requiring us all to reflect on how we evolve our thinking on child rights. But at the same time, the fundamentals have not shifted significantly – we still require child rights champions to promote and protect child rights.

As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Geneva Declaration, we must all ask ourselves if we have done our utmost to give every Child the best we have to give. Adoption of the Declaration was... +
Yanghee Lee
Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
South Korea
As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Geneva Declaration, we must all ask ourselves if we have done our utmost to give every Child the best we have to give. Adoption of the Declaration was a watershed moment for all children: Recognition of the human rights of every child. And that the society had an obligation to protect, promote, and provide ample circumstances and opportunities for every child to realize their inherent basic human rights here and now. We must all recommit our pledge to fulfill what we had promised 100 years ago to every child in the present and for future generations.

In a time where Human Rights are declining in the view of State parties and individuals , where violence in all forms, insecurity, disasters and man-made declining of environment are threatening ch... +
Renate Winter
Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
In a time where Human Rights are declining in the view of State parties and individuals , where violence in all forms, insecurity, disasters and man-made declining of environment are threatening children, I will do what I can to especially fight for equal rights for girls, as traditions and religions prevent their opportunities for a fully self-determined life.

The Declaration of Geneva has provided the foundation for international children’s rights. In today’s world where children face some many challenges and crises, we need to remind oursel... +
Ton Liefaard
Professor, UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights, Leiden University
The Declaration of Geneva has provided the foundation for international children’s rights. In today’s world where children face some many challenges and crises, we need to remind ourselves of the very core of that foundation: Mankind owes to children the best it has to give and all children of today and of future generations are entitled to that.

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children. » – so proclaimed Madiba Nelson Mandela. The 1924 Geneva Declaration asserted that hu... +
Anwarul K. Chowdhury
Ambassador, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and two times chair of the UNICEF Executive Board
There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children. » – so proclaimed Madiba Nelson Mandela. The 1924 Geneva Declaration asserted that humanity « owes to the Child the best that it has to give. » As the world celebrates its 100th anniversary, I am inspired to sign the Renewed Geneva Declaration and take the vow to uphold and ensure the inherent rights of the child in the best interest of humanity.

A l’heure où les crises se succèdent, comme les impacts de la pandémie, l’augmentation des inégalités, les dérèglements climatiques, les guerres, il est plus que jamais nécessai... +
Christina Kitsos
Maire de la Ville de Genève
A l’heure où les crises se succèdent, comme les impacts de la pandémie, l’augmentation des inégalités, les dérèglements climatiques, les guerres, il est plus que jamais nécessaire de considérer les enfants comme de véritables actrices et acteurs engagé.e.s, d’écouter leurs propositions et leurs révoltes pour avancer en faveur de la justice et de la paix, pour un monde ouvert et solidaire.

Our 2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of Rights of the Child is an aspirational call to mobilize and to truly put children at the centre of our collective human concern. But vision without acti... +
Philip D. Jaffé
Professor; Member, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Our 2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of Rights of the Child is an aspirational call to mobilize and to truly put children at the centre of our collective human concern. But vision without action is a daydream, we must now bend political will into concrete steps fulfinling the rights of all children.

100 years after the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child, we celebrate significant advances for many children around the world. We also recommit to addressing the threats and obst... +
Jo Becker
Children's Rights Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch
United States of America
100 years after the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child, we celebrate significant advances for many children around the world. We also recommit to addressing the threats and obstacles that continue to rob children of their rights. As we move into a new century of advocacy, our child rights community is more important than ever.
« Je crois que nous devrions revendiquer certains droits pour les enfants et œuvrer pour leur reconnaissance universelle »
Déclaration des droits des enfants Genève 2024
engagez-vous pour les droits des enfants !
Chaque signature compte et la vôtre encore plus que toutes les autres. Si vous ne signez pas la Déclaration, c’est comme si vous n’aviez pas essayé de faire entendre votre voix.

Les signataires
Signataires eminent•es
Ton Liefaard - Professor, UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights, Leiden University
Jo Becker - Children's Rights Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch
Yanghee Lee - Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Anwarul K. Chowdhury - Ambassador, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and two times chair of the UNICEF Executive Board
Jean Zermatten - Ancien président, Comité des droits de l'enfant de l'ONU
Mikiko Otani - Member & Former Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child; President, Child Rights Connect
Amihan V. Abueva - Regional Executive Director, Child Rights Coalition Asia
Patricio Cuevas-Parra - Director, Child Participation & Rights, World Vision
Bharti Ali - Child Rights Defender
Faith Nimineh - Senior Advisor, Humanitarian Affairs, ChildFund Alliance
Anne Mitaru - International Director - Advocacy, Brand and Communications, SOS Children's Villages International
Hans Kumar Sharma - Professor of Law, ICFAI University, Jaipur, India
Laura Korhonen - Professor, Head of Barnafrid, the Swedish National Centre for Knowledge on Violence Against Children at Linköping University, Barnafrid, the Swedish National Centre for Knowledge on Violence Against Children at Linköping University
Juliet Harris - Director, Together (Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights)
Réseau Suisse des droits de l’enfant
Ireland Ombudsman for Children’s Office
Resource Rights Africa
Intergrated Rural Development Organization (IRDO)
Care for Deprived Communities Ghana
Social Work Institute
European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP)
Observatoire des droits humains aux Nations Unies
Humanist Society Scotland
Tous les signataires
Sampson Hlaing - Executive Director, Equality Myanmar
Sara Ramirez Gomez - Technical Secretary, Plataforma Colombiana de Organizaciones Sociales y Populares por el Protagonismo de Niñas, Niños y Jóvenes (Plataforma 3 Voces)
Marguerite Hunter Blair - CEO, Play Scotland
Khadija Ali - Parent, Welfare of children youth Kenya
Anne Mitaru - International Director - Advocacy, Brand and Communications, SOS Children Villages International
Sara Grimes - Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy and Full Professor in Communication Studies, McGill University
Letícia Carvalho Silva - Alana Institute
Aldis, 15 years, Iceland
Alex, 17 years, Armenia
Alla, 17 years, Armenia
Alvin, 11 years, Kenya
Anna, 17 years, Armenia
Annette, 13 years, Kenya
Arina, 17 years, Armenia
Arpi, 17 years, Armenia
Bakhita, 12 years, Kenya
Ben Berisha, 7 years, Kosovo
Benjamin, 12 years, Kenya
Bifon, 12 years, Kenya
Blessing, 12 years, Kenya
Bobana, 17 years, Montenegro
Brilliant, 12 years, Kenya
Bruno, 15 years, Switzerland
Cecilia, 14 years, Switzerland
Celestine, 13 years, Kenya
Charline, 16 years, Switzerland
Cicilia, 15 years, Kenya
Clarice, 12 years, Kenya

De l’inspiration d’une visionnaire à l’action mondiale
Célébrons les 100 ans de la Déclaration des droits de l’enfant
L’esprit de Genève, ses valeurs d’humanisme et de justice sociale soufflent encore aujourd’hui et vous encouragent à célébrer les 100 ans des droits des enfants.
« Il n’y a clairement aucune impossibilité intrinsèque à sauver les enfants du monde. Ce n’est impossible que si nous le décidons, par notre refus de le tenter. »
Déclaration des droits des enfants Genève 2024
engagez-vous pour les droits des enfants !
Chaque signature compte et la vôtre encore plus que toutes les autres. Si vous ne signez pas la Déclaration, c’est comme si vous n’aviez pas essayé de faire entendre votre voix.